Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm Done.

Well, after working on my last project of my entire BYU experience for over 8 hours, I'm done.  I emailed my project in and that was it.  No more homework, no more tests, no more lectures, no more finals. I'm done.  Finally!

Monday, April 20, 2009

This is for David

So David constantly tells me after things happen, "You should make a blog post about that."  Well, we all know that my blogging skills are horrible so I always respond to him that he should post a blog.  He claims that blogging is a "girl" thing and that I have to do it.  

So on Saturday David and I witnessed a very scary event and of course he told me I should make a blog post about it.  So here you go David.  This is for you.  (I'm mainly doing this because I am bored at work and avoiding doing my final project for one of my classes - my last assignment EVER!)

David and I were heading to the Provo mall on Saturday around noon.  We pulled up to Center Street and were about to make a right turn onto the street.  To our left there was a garage sale going on.  All of a sudden I hear David yell, "Kids!  Look out!"  Coming down Center Street was a Lexus SUV.  At the same time a mom on a bike with a kid in the back and three more children on bikes began to cross the street.  Two of the kids jetted ahead of the mother.  It was like everything became slow motion.  The SUV did not slow down and neither did the children.  It was as if neither of them saw each other coming.  The SUV zoomed past them as one of the little boys, about 7 or 8 years old, completely ran into the back of the SUV as it drove by.  He did a 360 on his bike, flew into the air, and landed on the street, as the seat on his bike popped off and flew into the air.  The little boy got up crying and screaming and ran to his mom.  David jumped out of the car and pulled the bike out of the street as well as the bike the mother was on that had a small child in it.  The little boy seemed okay, just scared more than anything.  It was so terrifying.  David and I could not stop thinking about it the rest of the afternoon.  We both thought the SUV was just going to plow into those children and completely run them over.  Luckily, the boy seemed fine and we're sure he will be okay.  Crazy way to start your Saturday afternoon.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

I know this is a little late, but I wanted to post a video for my family and friends not in Utah to see.  The last weekend in March, me, David, Courtney, Natalie, Kate, Michelle, and Jared went to the Hare Krishna Festival of Colors down in Spanish Fork, Utah.  They hold the festival every year to celebrate spring.  They said that last year they had over 10,000 people in attendance.  The festival is held at the beautiful Hare Krishna temple.  You can eat India food, pet llamas (which I was terrified of doing), dance, shop for pretty scarves and things, etc.  Around 4:30 everyone gathers onto the hillside in front of the temple.  They light this creepy witch on fire and then do a count down and have everyone throw handfuls of colored chalk into the air.  We of course forgot to wait for the countdown and threw most of our bags of chalk before then but here is a video of the countdown and the craziness that occurred:

When everyone threw the chalk into the air, you could not breathe.  It was crazy!  By the end we were all covered in chalk.  We ran to the car and luckily found some toilet paper in the back of David's car.  This is probably too much information, but our snot was dark purple! haha.  Also, I had pink highlights in my hair for the following three weeks.  Just now are the pink highlights FINALLY gone!  It was so much fun!  We are really glad we went.  Here are a few pictures of the event:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Graduation Decisions

I am possibly the most fickle person I know. I jump into things without really thinking about it and then later change my mind and then later change it again. So after much thinking and changing of minds, David and I decided that since I will be in Provo all summer, I may as well take some classes so that I can work my mailroom job full time. I have worked this job for almost three years and was really sad to have to quit at the end of April. Then my boss pointed out that if I take just 3 credits, I could still work.

So I spoke to my college advisement counselor and had her push back my official graduation to August. I will still be walking in April I just won't be getting my diploma until August. Then came the decision of what to take. I decided on:

1. Food Preparation in the Home - watch out family. I will become the best cook of us all.

2. Social Dance - David felt the need to inform me that in this class it is "not an easy A, Karin". They do actually grade you on your dancing. Thank you David. And for that comment I am making him come to class and be my dancing partner. (seeing as he has taken this class like 4 times or something) And yes, I will be the Julianne Hough of BYU's beginning social dance class.

3. Jogging - This will really help keep me motivated for that half marathon in August. (Sadly David and I have not run in like two weeks because it has been SNOWING! Yes, it is April. Yes, it is freezing outside.)

I am excited for my classes. I have not taken a "fun" class in the past two years - unless you count the fact that I am a big fat nerd and loved both business law and accounting 440.

I can't believe that by August David and I will both be graduated and moving and starting real jobs!! Wish us luck!