Friday, July 2, 2010

The Birthday Boy

David turned 26 this year. It was his golden birthday in fact - 26 on the 26th! David's brother Ben who goes to BYU-Idaho surprised David and came down on Friday night to stay with us. On Saturday morning we decided to go hike the Y. The last time I hiked the Y was the week of our wedding in 2008. Two years made me forgot how horrible that hike is. It is so steep! Here is David being his crazy, daring self like always.

It was great hiking weather that day - blue skies but slightly cool so we did not get too hot on the hike.

David tricked me and made us hike all the way to the top of the Y.

But as a reward for making it all the way to the top, we went and ate at J-Dawgs afterward. mmmm. Then on Saturday night, David's entire family came over for dinner, games, and presents. I cooked some very, very delicious steak (thank you Rachel!) and more Pioneer Woman mashed potatoes and some garlic Pillsbury crescent rolls and a salad. David's mom brought some deviled eggs, too (David loves deviled eggs). Overall the dinner was a success! Then we had cheesecake for dessert. We opened presents and then played Team Trivial Pursuit. Here is David opening my presents to him. David randomly decided that he wants to take up golfing. A lot of people at his work golf so he thought he should start learning. I got him this golf bag at a second hand sports store and some other gifts.

My last gift to him was a round of golf for David, Ben, and his Dad at Hobblecreek Golf Course in Springville on Memorial Day. While none of them really know anything about golf - in fact it was both David and Ben's first times going to an actual golf course - they had a great time.

So that was David's Golden Birthday!! Happy Birthday David!!

Since his birthday, David's uncle gave him a full set of old golf clubs (a big thank you to Chuck!!) so we have gone to the driving range several times. Sadly, I pulled some muscles in my back from hitting golf balls and three weeks later my upper back STILL hurts. I went to the doctor and chiropractor but they can't really help me. The doctor asked me "how my game was." I had to tell him it was my first time even hitting a golf ball with a real golf club. Sad. Apparently when you pull muscles in your back, you just have to suffer for weeks and weeks and hope it goes away. Great.

And that concludes May! Hopefully I will get caught up for June! I mean July! Can't believe summer is halfway over!


Tiffany said...

I (thought) pulled a muscle in my back a couple months ago and when I finally went to the Dr he said it was a subluxated rib and that the only person that could (should?) help is a physical therapist. Maybe that'll help you out... Happy Bday David!!

Nana and Papa said...

First of all -- love the picture of David being daring. I am wondering if it is the secret stealth ninja bird pose??

Karin and exercise. Have you checked with Angela? family muscle expert? Hope you feel better soon.

Courtney said...

I am upset that I had my golden birthday before I even understood what birthdays were. Haha. I am glad you hiked the Y... Nat and I hiked it for the first time before we graduated and it was death. Haha. Sounds like a fun birthday! Miss you!