Friday, January 30, 2009

Only 329 More Days!!

I know Christmas was a month ago, and no, I'm not really counting down the days until next Christmas but these are pretty much the only pictures I have taken in the past two months.  Sad.  I know.  Even sadder is that these are the only three pictures I have of mine and David's first Christmas together.  I think his mom took some but this is about it.  I just refuse to take pictures, though, with my giant, clunky, slow, embarrassing camera.  So until I get that brand new Canon Elf that I am dreaming over - the pictures will probably continue to be kept to a minimum.  

On a happier note, though, I had a wonderful Christmas.  I loved it!  Not only was it my first Christmas married, but it was my first Christmas away from home.  To be quite honest I was really worried at first.  I mean no watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, no passing of gag gifts while reading Twas the Night Before Christmas, and most importantly no wearing of bell necklaces after reading the Polar Express!  David and I spent Christmas Eve at his grandparents house with all of his aunts and cousins and I had a really great time!  I didn't get homesick at all on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day!  The break was really fun.  We spent a LOT of time playing games with David's family and cousins - which is great for me because I LOVE games!  We also watched movies, ate a ton of food, went ice skating, went sledding, and made these lovely gingerbread houses below.  Thank you to Dina and Jim for letting us make a mess of your house and for all the candy to decorate these houses.  All in all I had a great Christmas with the Driggs Family.  My favorite part was probably the giant twelve man sledding train we made at Rock Canyon Park.  I am a total baby and did not want to do - sledding is scary!  But I am so glad I did.  It was hilarious.  We lined up about twelve of us in a row (Me, David, David's cousins and his Uncle Trevan) and had each person hold on to the legs of the person behind them and then went down the very steep, snowy hill.  By the time we hit the bottom we were a jumbled mess on top of each other.  It was great.  I'm pretty sure David's cousin Mark's sled slid out from under him and he just went down the hill on his bottom.  Fortunately, no broken bones of any kind.  
My gingerbread house is on the left and David's is on the right.  I so did not know that after you make the house you eat the candy off of it.  The only other time I made a gingerbread house we had to spray them with hairspray so that ants would not attack them.  You definitely do not want to eat hairspray covered m&ms.  

Here is my lovely little house!

And David with his lovely little house.

Friday, January 23, 2009

My Sincerest Apologies

So I have come to realize that I am not good at this blogging thing at all. There are many excuses I could come up with as to why.  The internet sucks at my apartment so I cannot post anything.  My camera is literally like five years old so I never take pictures anymore (although I'm really, really, really hoping for a new one for graduation in April. hint hint David).  I always feel like I am busy rushing between two jobs and school and church.  Either way, whatever the reason, I will try my very best to improve my blogging.  Pinky swear.