Monday, September 21, 2009

And the winner is...

Last August, when David and I moved into our first apartment, we decided to have a shampoo bottle contest. We wanted to see who went through more bottles of shampoo in a year - me or David. The results: Well, I lost count back in May when I was on bottle 6. David is STILL using the same bottle that we purchased way back in August 2008. How sad is that. I think I ended up using nine or something like that. Life is so much cheaper as a boy. That's all I have to say.


Courtney said...

I agree it is much cheaper being a boy. They don't have to buy makeup, or keep a constant supply of hair products for when they want curly hair, or straight hair, or hair elastics or bobby pins. Haha. I don't want to know how much shampoo I go through a year. {Probably not as much as I should! :)}

Angela said...

What are you doing with all that shampoo? We use 1 bottle about every 2 months. That's for the both of 6 total in a year.

And it's not cheaper for guys because they spend all their money on their wives.

Carlea J Wilson said...

Yes Im pretty sure Dustin has had the same giant bottle of Pantene since he graduated. Its like a Mary Poppins bag that never runs out. I go through a ton each year too but I must admit its because I get sick of them half way through the bottle and decide that new shampoo will magically cure my dry inadequate hair. Good thing we have guest bathrooms that I can "stock" with my rejects.. :)