Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chocolate Lovers Only

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE chocolate! And most recently I love to cook - or at least attempt to cook. For the past three years or so, each General Conference, David's mom, sisters, sister-in-law, and I do a girls' night during the priesthood session of conference. This year David's mom asked me to bring a dessert. She informed me that she and David's sister had just finished a year of no chocolate so I should bring something with chocolate. (On a side note: I have no idea how they did that. After every meal I get a very intense craving for chocolate. It's as though no meal is complete until I have something chocolate.)

I immediately went to Pioneer Woman in search of a delicious recipe. I decided to make her molten chocolate lava cakes. They were really easy and really, really good! But you have to have a side of ice cream or something because they are really rich! Mine of course did not look as perfect and beautiful as Pioneer Woman's but they still tasted super good!!


Carlee said...

I love molten chocolate lava cakes, but I haven't ever tried making them. I will have to try this recipe because I'm a chocolate lover too (and so is Adam).

Angela said...

I love chocolate, too!...except during my pregnancy. Chocolate just doesn't do it for me like it used to. It's gotta be just a phase...right?!