Well, I had yet another wonderful cooking experience. I am just such a good cook. It really is amazing. I decided to cook a meal that Michalle sent me from her crock pot recipe book called "Easy Cheesy BBQ Chicken." It consisted of chicken, bbq sauce, cheese, and bacon. Easy. Just as the recipe said. All I had to do was stick the chicken in the crock pot with a whole bottle of bbq sauce before work. Then I set the crock pot to low for 8 1/2 hours. The recipe called for 8-9 so I figured I would do 8 1/2 and when I got home in 8 hours I would check the chicken.
Well when I got off work, I received a text from David saying, "We are going out to eat tonight. Call me if you want to know why." Well as it turns out, the recipe was COMPLETELY wrong. Cooking chicken for 8 hours is apparently WAY too long but maybe you guys can be the judge of that:
The apartment smelled the entire night - even after lighting multiple candles. It took me FOREVER to scrape off the burnt bbq sauce from the sides of the crock pot. Needless to say, we ended up going to Noodles & Co. for dinner. Tomorrow I am cooking dinner for my mother-in-law for Mother's Day so cross your fingers everyone - I'll need all the luck/help I can get!!
Karin I love your cooking post. Cooking is a science and it is hard to master. Props for trying. I will give you an arsenal of stories to tell your girls one day.
*It* will give you
aww! so sorry Karin! I noticed something about cooking in high altitudes, but it said to add more time because the meat cooks slower. but that certainly does not look like your problem!
Karin is that all the chicken you had in the crock pot? I've read your pot needs to be at least half-way full. Maybe that had something to do with it? I know it is just you and David but you could use some leftovers for lunch or freeze extra for a quick reheat dinner one night. Don't give up! :)
Looks like you have an "Old Testament" dinner of burnt offerings.
Dad was wondering if practice makes perfect or not?
At least you got to go to Noodles out of it! I still can't cook, so you are doing better than I am!
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