Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Joys of Homeownership

We have been in our home for a little over a month now and have already learned how wonderful it is to own your own house. The weekend we moved in, the water dispenser on our refrigerator did not work. No water came out, and no ice was being made. We messed with the waterline a little bit and only made the problem worse. Rather than no water, we got way too much water and it leaked down in to the basement. Good thing we have an unfinished basement! We called the home builder and they promptly came out and fixed the problem for me.

Then the Monday after Thanksgiving our dishwasher leaked all over the floor. Again, we called the home builder and they sent their plumbers out the next morning. The plumbers checked all their water lines and found out that we had just been given a faulty dishwasher. Yes, we were the ones of all the hundreds of these dishwashers that the home builder installs to have the faulty one. That Thursday RC Willey sent out an appliance guy to check out the dishwasher (since the dishwasher was purchased from RC Willey). The guy seemed a bit incompetent to me and David and told us that he taped the hose in but that it was just a poor design of a dishwasher. Thank you appliance guy. That makes me feel 100% better. RC Willey was not happy to hear about that. They immediately apologized to me over the phone and promised that they will have someone come out and check the dishwasher again and replace the kitchen floor, which is now warped and lifting up, and replace the baseboard on the wall that is now ruined. They have yet to come out and do that, but I am not too worried. It will happen soon enough. In the mean time, looks like that tape is holding up - no leaks yet!

While it has been a bit annoying to have to deal with these things, there are 3 little words that always make me happy at the end of the day: home builder's warranty. Thank goodness for that! Let's hope the next 11 months are a lot less eventful!

1 comment:

Loriann said...

Isn't funny how the around-the-house maintenance and repair seems to be tenfold once you actually OWN instead of rent?! And Keith and I are so clueless about that stuff that we're just lucky we've had mom and dad close enough to help us fix the problems we'd never know how to do ourselves!