In the middle of July, we headed to Texas for one of my best friend's weddings. We flew down late Tuesday night to stay at my parents house. We enjoyed a break from work to rest, relax, and spend time with friends. The first day I went to lunch with my close friends from high school. The next day, my sister, Rachel, her four children, and I took David on a little tour of downtown Richmond. Exciting, I know. It was actually pretty neat. Here is David tasting a delicious Texas grape.
We got to tour this beautiful home that was built in the early 1900s. I think. (The trip was over two months ago so I have forgotten my Richmond history facts) I do remember, though, that the guy who built the house wanted it to look like the white house. Job accomplished.

David riding in the back with the Orme children!

Later in the afternoon, my sister, Lori, and her two girls came down from the Austin area to visit us. It was so great to see her, Avery, and Addie! That night David and I got dressed up and headed to Houston for a mini photo shoot by my amazing photographer friend, Carlea Wilson of Carlea J Photography. She is seriously amazing and the pictures turned out great! Then she and her husband, Dustin, took David and I to the most delicious Mexican restaurant in Houston called El Tiempo. I seriously still dream about that food. It was amazing.

Three of the Dynes sisters!!

On Friday, David's best friend, Danny, and Danny's new wife, Megan, came down from College Station to visit us and stay the night at my parents' house. It also happened to be Danny's birthday on Saturday so we decided to go down to Galveston. David had never been and I really wanted him to see it in person. It was a short trip since the wedding was that evening, but we had fun. Here we are on the ferry in Galveston. Wow was it humid!

I will admit, the beaches in Texas are not as pretty as the California beaches, but I love that warm water! Way better than the FREEZING water in California.

Megan got Danny some sweet fishing gear for his birthday. We were so glad we got to see them and spend some time with Danny on his birthday!

Thanks again Danny and Megan!!

On to the wedding! I have known Catherine since we were in 6th grade. I still remember meeting on the first day of school! She has been such a great friend to me all these years. Even though we live in different states and have lived in different states for the last six years, I know I can always call her at any moment and things are just like old times. She was a gorgeous bride! She was so happy and just glowing. I was so happy to be a part of her special day. This is the bride and groom's first dance at the reception

So beautiful! For the reception she added the headband and belt on her dress. I thought it was so cute!!

More of my wonderful friends from high school! Kendra, Noelle, George, and Allison!

My amazing friends! I never would have made it growing up without these girls. It was so much fun to dance and party the night away with these ladies!

And of course the trip would not have been fun without David. My very best friend! Thank you for the trip to Texas!