So I am a little behind on my blogging. Work has been crazy for the past month. We had our big annual financial review/projection meeting today. The meeting went very well and I am so happy to feel less stressed. Now perhaps I will have motivation to do things when I get home from work instead of plopping on the couch and sitting there for 4 hours until I go to bed.
This New Year's was a bit eventful for David and I, so I wanted to make sure I blogged about. (you know, since I don't keep journals or anything. But the blog counts, right?) Well David had been unusually tired all during Christmas break. Then the Monday before NYE, some strange bumps formed on his forehead. We had no idea what they were. I figured maybe a bug bit him or something. He decided he was too busy to take off from work, so I got him to agree to go to a clinic on Friday (NYE) morning. David woke up Friday morning feeling terrible. He had a cough, a sore throat, and kept saying how cold he was. We went to the doctor and found out David had shingles!
Of course, neither of us knew what that was. We quickly learned that it is from the same virus as chicken pox, except you only break out in one spot on your body - David's was his forehead. We also found that it is most common in people over the age of 60. Nice. The doctor also said David had a fever of 104 degrees. Me being the blonde I can be at times, thought nothing of that. Honestly, neither David or I have ever gotten very sick since we have known each other so I don't really know what to do when people are sick. (Of course, except the time we both got the Provo Pool Epidemic but that is a whole different story.)
We headed to Target to fill his prescriptions and then went to have breakfast at Paradise Bakery. The whole time David kept saying how cold he was. I was sweating on the car ride home with the heater cranked up so high. David took his first prescription medicine and 20 minutes later threw up his entire breakfast. In the meantime, I fell asleep on the couch - sorry David!
After a quick cat nap, I went in to the bathroom to find David sitting next to the toilet, shivering. He had on long johns, two pairs of socks, sweatpants, a long sleeve shirt, a hoodie, and a blanket wrapped around him and was puking. I touched his neck and it was burning hot! Now I started to freak out. Thankfully I thought to call my sister Rachel for advice. She told me that I had to break his fever. She said his body was overreacting to being so hot that that was why he was shivering. I tried giving him 4 ibuprofen to break the fever, but he immediately threw that up. Rachel said to also have him take a lukewarm bath. I made him sit in the bath tub for an hour and then take a nap. And finally he stopped shivering! Yay! The fever broke and he stopped throwing up.
Also, while all this went on, I had about 6 phone conversations with David's mom. We were supposed to be hosting NYE at our house that night. I insisted everything would be fine and we should proceed on. To be honest, I just love hosting things! Sorry again David - sick husband or not. My sister and her husband and baby came over. David's parents and all his siblings came over. David's aunt and uncle and two of their children even stopped by for a little bit. We had a fun night of eating yummy snacks, playing Just Dance, and watched the ball drop on TV in New York.
David's mom, sisters, and brother, wife and baby all slept over that night. David's mom made a big delicious breakfast in the morning. The temperature that day was FREEZING! I think the high was like 12 degrees. We all stayed in and sat around watching TV and movies and doing this a lot:

David's mom was REALLY good. She killed us all!
I don't really like NYE. I would have to say it is my least favorite holiday, but I actually had a fun time just hanging out with all the family. And thankfully David felt well enough to stay up all the way until 11:30. He felt 100% better on Saturday. The only problem now is that he still had indentions on his forehead. I'm talking even right now. Today. February 10th. It looks like someone took a stick and poked his forehead a couple of times.
Here is a picture I just had to throw in. #1 Bradley is such a cute nephew (and is wearing his Christmas present from his Uncle David and Aunt Karin) and #2 if you zoom in you can see David's red indentations.
And one last one so that you can see the wonderful thing that is iPhoto. No more red spots! Guess I'll be doing this for a while until they go away! haha
Hope you all are having a great 2011 so far! Sorry that was a bit of a novel!