Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rex Lee Run

About three weeks ago, when spring started to come and it was FINALLY "warm" and sunny outside, David and I decided to start jogging together after school and work.  We then decided to sign up for the Rex Lee 5k Run.  For those who don't know, Rex Lee was a former president of BYU.  He died of cancer about 14 years ago, and every year since then BYU sponsors a 5k and 10k race in his honor, with all proceeds going to cancer research.  Last year I randomly decided to sign up for the 5k, even though I was completely out of shape and had not run in like five years.  Needless to say I ran it (and by ran it I mean mostly walked it) in a very slow, very embarrassing 45 minutes.  So this year, with David as my trainer, I had a goal of beating my time.  Even if I did it in 44 minutes, we would be happy.  

This is David preparing for the race. 

Here I am stretching before we head out.  It was very early and very cold. 

And here David is back at the apartment after the race.  He ran it in.......25 minutes! Go David!  I was so proud of him. 

And here is me after the race.  Go #220!  I ran the race in......drumroll please....36 minutes!  Yay go me!

As a celebration of both of us beating our goals, we had a wonderful meal at Denny's for breakfast afterwards.  I must say it felt really good to get up early, go for a run, and then have breakfast.  All before ten a.m. Wow!  Our next goal:  Provo Canyon Half Marathon - August 9th.  We'll see how that goes. 


Carlea J Wilson said...

Sooo excited that you posted again! Is it lame that your blog is one of my toolbar bookmarks and I click it everyday? Yes, I think it is.

Angela said...

Good job for being healthy!! I'd like to start running again, but I never have time. You do realize that a half marathon is nearly 14 miles? Way to be ambitious.

Kate Nash said...

KARIN! I'm so stoked you are going to run the Provo River Half. I'm totally doing and my sister and Darren and my brother Chris is doing it too. We have to do runs together!

THE ORMES said...

Good job!!! I'm always impressed with people who run races. I always think I should try it sometime, but I need to find a way to like it first. Anyways, good luck with your training for the half marathon.

Oh, and would you believe I was at school when Rex Lee died. I saw parts of his funeral . . . yeah I'm old!!

Natalie said...

i find it rude that you originally suggested breakfast after the race and then proceeded to not invite me. thanks. see if i ever sign up to support cancer EVER AGAIN!

David and Karin said...

Sorry Natalie! You seemed in a rush to get a ride with that girl! We ended up staying for the prize drawings and the announcements of the winners so we were at the race for over an hour after you left. So sorry!

Courtney said...

Are you really doing the half marathon? haha. Shopaholic in 20 minutes! Yay!

Marcy said...

Good luck with that, and congrats on running the Rex Lee run!! I'm definitely impressed!!!