Monday, April 20, 2009

This is for David

So David constantly tells me after things happen, "You should make a blog post about that."  Well, we all know that my blogging skills are horrible so I always respond to him that he should post a blog.  He claims that blogging is a "girl" thing and that I have to do it.  

So on Saturday David and I witnessed a very scary event and of course he told me I should make a blog post about it.  So here you go David.  This is for you.  (I'm mainly doing this because I am bored at work and avoiding doing my final project for one of my classes - my last assignment EVER!)

David and I were heading to the Provo mall on Saturday around noon.  We pulled up to Center Street and were about to make a right turn onto the street.  To our left there was a garage sale going on.  All of a sudden I hear David yell, "Kids!  Look out!"  Coming down Center Street was a Lexus SUV.  At the same time a mom on a bike with a kid in the back and three more children on bikes began to cross the street.  Two of the kids jetted ahead of the mother.  It was like everything became slow motion.  The SUV did not slow down and neither did the children.  It was as if neither of them saw each other coming.  The SUV zoomed past them as one of the little boys, about 7 or 8 years old, completely ran into the back of the SUV as it drove by.  He did a 360 on his bike, flew into the air, and landed on the street, as the seat on his bike popped off and flew into the air.  The little boy got up crying and screaming and ran to his mom.  David jumped out of the car and pulled the bike out of the street as well as the bike the mother was on that had a small child in it.  The little boy seemed okay, just scared more than anything.  It was so terrifying.  David and I could not stop thinking about it the rest of the afternoon.  We both thought the SUV was just going to plow into those children and completely run them over.  Luckily, the boy seemed fine and we're sure he will be okay.  Crazy way to start your Saturday afternoon.


Courtney said...

Karin! That is so scary! Aren't you glad to be married to such a heroic David?

THE ORMES said...

I'm just glad it turned out all right. It could have been a HORRIBLE scene. It's moments like that where I vow to never take my kids on bikes near busy streets. I can just imagine how scared that Mom felt for her kids. Amen David was there to say something and then help clear them off the street. Way to go Dave!

Mama said...

Hi, my name is Sheraden. I took violin lessons from your mother-in-law, Lauri, years ago and have been trying to find her and just stumbled across your blog. (yay!) Will you please give her my email address or better yet email me HER email address so I can surprise her? Thank you so much!!

Morgan said...

Scary! I hate seeing accidents :/