Saturday, December 19, 2009

What is my Problem???

I split my pants twice today. Not once but TWICE. This morning I had on pajama pants while I was cleaning the apartment (in preparation for Michalle and Matt coming on Wednesday.) I was stretched across my bed dusting the back part of the bed. I turn to get up and the entire crotch split open. Okay fine. I have had those pajama pants since 7th grade. (Shout out to Catherine Eiserman - I'm pretty sure we both owned them and we bought them for a pajama themed Club 91 Dance. And yes I still wear them on occasion.) I change into real clothes after the incident and get on with my day. Then David and I came home from seeing the lights at Temple Square around 11 pm. I put on a different pair of pajama pants and as I get off the couch from sitting with my legs stretched weird, they rip!! In the same spot as the others! TWICE! I split my pants twice. And these ones aren't 10 years old. (I think they are only 6 years old.) Seriously, though. What is my problem? Good thing David and I decided to start a Christmas Eve tradition of buying each other new pajamas each year. (We decided this before today's incident in case you are wondering. Just a nice coincidence.)


Natalie said...

please tell me one of the pairs were the pink ones with like vertical strips of some sort

Carlee said...

I love that you split your pants. I have had a few incidents with my pants in the past as well. Ripping huge holes in the seat sliding down a wooden rail, ripping a whole in the already worn out bum during a poli sci exam with skimpy undies, and my personal fave, having cordorouys completely dissolve during a long road trip.

THE ORMES said...

That's awesome!!!

mlauricella said...

totally tearing up from laughter

Courtney said...

I, personally, would like an elaboration of what Club 91 is. It sounds oddly hilarious, if pajama pants were involved....

Angela said...

So if you're getting new pants every year, you'll definitely throw out the old ones before they rip on you again. It's hilarious that you tore 2 pairs in 1 day!
So do you have a real bed now, instead of the air mattress? Have you made your DIY headboard yet?!

The Cunninghams said...

Karin-This is your uncle Kelly..I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we assume you did not realize that the guy splitting his pants is showing a bit too much of himself in the photo...or maybe you did realize it. Your grandma of all people pointed it out to me that he is most definitely a guy.