Just a quick recap of our November:
We started off the month with a quick weekend get-a-way to Park City/Deer Valley. My boss had signed up for this corporate retreat thing, but he couldn't go for the last day/night. Since the hotel was already paid for, he let me and David go up and use it. We were so grateful! The hotel was amazing! It was up in Deer Valley above Park City. It was called the Deer Valley Montage Resort.
Each room had its own fireplace! You just had to push a button and it turned on! We enjoyed dinner at one of the restaurants in the hotel that night. The restaurant even had a live band there playing John Mayer songs. It was a fun, quick trip.

Then that Saturday afternoon was Jessie Cook's bridal shower in Provo. Jessie lived in the dorms with me and then we were roommates after that before I got married. I was so excited to see her and to be with all the roommates again! It was a fun party with lots of yummy food!

Thanksgiving was pretty low-key this year compared to past years. We kept up the usual Dynes tradition and went to the movies that day. We saw Tower Heist with David's brother, sister, and mom. Then we went to David's grandparents house for dinner with his grandparents, David's family, and David's aunt Tiff and her three children. The cousins were nice enough to make awesome hats for us to all wear during dinner. It was a great Thanksgiving spent with family. We also got to talk with my little brother that day. He had just gotten off his two year mission for the LDS church. It was fun to talk with him and to get excited to see him in December.

Gotta love David's poses - America's Next Top Model quality!
Fancy smancy hotel! It must have been beautiful with all that snow...especially since we didn't have any here.
Hey Angela, I was going to write that down as a comment too! Fancy. But worth it if its free! And now I see why you went blonde in college ;)
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