Friday, July 30, 2010

Exciting News!!!

So David and I have some exciting news....we're building a house!!! Well, actually my company is building the house and selling it to us at a great deal! We met with the builder on Monday and picked out our exact lot and the floor plan we want. They are working on getting the building permits from the city and then construction will start!

Our lease ends in November so we will move in around Thanksgiving! We are super excited and very nervous! I feel way too young to be a home owner! I've never even mowed a lawn before! Looks like David will have lots to do on the weekend!
This is about what the house will look like. More or less. Yay!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Before and After

So I had my hair appointment on Tuesday night, and here are the results!

My before picture - this was the very last picture taken of me as a blonde. It was taken Saturday night at Daniel and Heather's apartment.

My after pictures! (Sorry for the over bronzing - I wasn't used to the dark hair - and sorry for the Mexico soccer jersey - I was getting ready for bed)

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Age Old Question

What color to dye my hair?!?!

I have a hair appointment with Julie on Tuesday, July 27th. I cannot decide what to do with my hair. All I know is I am definitely sick of it right now. Not to mention sick of my ENORMOUS roots!
Here are my options.
Go blonder. It is still summertime.

Stay with a medium, dirty blonde kind of color - brown and blonde highlights.

Lastly, go for brunette. I want a nice rich brown that almost has a tiny hint of red when the light hits it. Or do I wait until fall to go brunette? I just don't know. I need help!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Girl Who Was on Fire - Almost

Sorry for the cheesy title - I couldn't resist. I just finished reading The Hunger Games last night. I started Saturday, read Sunday, and then had about 100 pages left starting Monday. I was SO anxious all through work on Monday. I could not wait to get home and finish! I loved the book - it definitely had me hooked. But I think I want to wait until it is closer to the 3rd book coming out before I start the 2nd one - Catching Fire.

Anyway, so yesterday I almost did become the girl on fire. Just kidding. It wasn't that close a call but the weirdest thing happened to me. I was sitting at a light to turn left on my way to work in the morning. I had just missed the green light and this light takes forever to cycle through. I am sitting there with my front windows down (broken A/C) and suddenly I smell something burning. I look around to see if maybe someone is smoking but don't see anyone.

Then I see it. There is white smoke going up the back of the passenger seat and coming off the headrest! I start panicking trying to see what the smoke was coming from but couldn't find anything. The light turned green so I put all 4 windows down and sped to work. I just kept praying, "Please don't let the car blow up with me inside!" Luckily my work is approximately 2 minutes away once I get through the light.

I pulled over as soon as I got in to the parking lot and starting looking around the back seat. The burning smell was gone and the smoke was gone. I couldn't find anything. I started thinking maybe I was going crazy. I had barely gotten any sleep the night before because I couldn't stop thinking about the Hunger Games.

I called David to see what he had to say and then we figured it out. On the floor of the back seat, behind the passenger seat, I have a huge make-up mirror. One side of the mirror is a big magnifying glass. We decided that the sun must have been hitting the mirror just right and was starting to burn the back seat.

Lo and behold, I went down to the parking garage and searched the back seat and there on the bottom of the passenger seat was a 3 inch mark where the fabric burned off! The sunlight when I was sitting at the stop light was hitting the mirror just right and started to burn the passenger seat! Is that crazy or what? If the stop light was any longer I may have become the girl who was on fire! haha

Thursday, July 8, 2010

2 Years Already?

I know people always say this, but I really can't believe David and I have been married for two years! The past two years really have flown by - especially the last year. Being out of school and just working every day really makes the days fly by. So on June 21st was mine and David's anniversary. That was a Monday so we decided to celebrate the weekend prior to that. Once we decided that, some things came up for that weekend so we worked around them and ended up having a packed weekend.

We began Friday evening by both rushing home from work so that we could head up to Salt Lake. It was David's cousin Will's 7th birthday so us and all of David's cousins were invited to see Toy Story 3 at the Gateway Mall. The movie was really good! And of course, I teared up at the end. When do I not. Then we all went and got ice cream at Ben & Jerry's. Also, there was some chalk drawing contest going on in the main street that runs through the mall. The drawings were amazing!

Will's birthday party was going to continue in the morning at a Gymnastics Training Center (GTC) and David really wanted to go so we decided to get a hotel room in Salt Lake as a way to go to the gymnastics thing and for our anniversary celebration. We stayed at the Little America Hotel. It was really nice - we originally tried to stay their for our wedding night, but it was all booked. While we were gone at the movie, hotel workers came in and turned on classical music in our room, laid out some robes, and put little chocolates on our bed! We didn't even tell them we were there for anything special. How sweet is that?

We woke up early Saturday morning to head over to the GTC. David went to his other cousin's bday party here last year and loved it. It is a gymnastics center that has trampolines, vaults, rings, bars, all gymnastic equipment and then it has giant foam pits all around. So you can run and do the vault and land in a big foam pit. David LOVES this place. And yes, everyone at the party was under the age of 10 except for David.

We were there for about an hour and a half and then headed back to Provo to go to Seven Peaks. Neither of us had been back to Seven Peaks since the summer of 2007 when we first started dating. It was super fun but like always our feet KILLED by the end of the day. I don't know what it is about Seven Peaks but I always leave there barely able to walk. We rode all the rides and enjoyed laying out in the sun for a bit.

Then we headed home to get ready for our special dinner. David planned a special dinner for me that night. We headed back up to Salt Lake without me knowing where we were going. We ended up here:

We ate at a restaurant called the New Yorker. Apparently it has the "Best Chef" in Utah. It is owned by the people who own Market Street Grill.

The restaurant felt very New York-ish!

I love going to new restaurants. This one was quite interesting. The crowd was very interesting. There was a writer sitting at the bar scribbling down notes. There were 2 ladies in their 80's having dinner and tea with a man in his 30's who had a long ponytail and a shirt unbuttoned down to the middle of his chest. Then a hobo walked in off the street. All the waiters started looking at each other not knowing what to do. One finally gave him a menu. The hobo looked at it and then walked out. Weird.

David decided that we should order a "fun" appetizer so we ordered escargot. Neither of us had had it before and I'm not sure we would have it again. The escargot was cooked in a garlic butter so the taste was not bad. It was just kind of mushy, but they had you scoop it up with crunchy bread so that made for a nice contrast. The only bad thing about it was getting over it mentally. We each ate one bite and were fine. Then we started talking about snails. And then I almost couldn't stomach a second one. Looking at the escargot close up, it looks just like a snail. The shape, the texture, the look, everything is the same as snails you see outside your house on the ground. It was a bit creepy for my liking.

David ordered a salmon dish and I ordered the filet mignon. I would rate the food as just okay. I didn't like the sauce they put on my steak and potatoes. David and I decided that maybe rich people just have different food tastes than us. For us, just simple meals from Chili's tasted better than our meals here. But like I said - I love trying new restaurants so now I can say I have tried the New Yorker. Dessert was pretty yummy though! Turtle sundaes...mmm!

And that ended our night! It was a great anniversary and I can't wait for the many, many more David and I have ahead of us!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Birthday Boy

David turned 26 this year. It was his golden birthday in fact - 26 on the 26th! David's brother Ben who goes to BYU-Idaho surprised David and came down on Friday night to stay with us. On Saturday morning we decided to go hike the Y. The last time I hiked the Y was the week of our wedding in 2008. Two years made me forgot how horrible that hike is. It is so steep! Here is David being his crazy, daring self like always.

It was great hiking weather that day - blue skies but slightly cool so we did not get too hot on the hike.

David tricked me and made us hike all the way to the top of the Y.

But as a reward for making it all the way to the top, we went and ate at J-Dawgs afterward. mmmm. Then on Saturday night, David's entire family came over for dinner, games, and presents. I cooked some very, very delicious steak (thank you Rachel!) and more Pioneer Woman mashed potatoes and some garlic Pillsbury crescent rolls and a salad. David's mom brought some deviled eggs, too (David loves deviled eggs). Overall the dinner was a success! Then we had cheesecake for dessert. We opened presents and then played Team Trivial Pursuit. Here is David opening my presents to him. David randomly decided that he wants to take up golfing. A lot of people at his work golf so he thought he should start learning. I got him this golf bag at a second hand sports store and some other gifts.

My last gift to him was a round of golf for David, Ben, and his Dad at Hobblecreek Golf Course in Springville on Memorial Day. While none of them really know anything about golf - in fact it was both David and Ben's first times going to an actual golf course - they had a great time.

So that was David's Golden Birthday!! Happy Birthday David!!

Since his birthday, David's uncle gave him a full set of old golf clubs (a big thank you to Chuck!!) so we have gone to the driving range several times. Sadly, I pulled some muscles in my back from hitting golf balls and three weeks later my upper back STILL hurts. I went to the doctor and chiropractor but they can't really help me. The doctor asked me "how my game was." I had to tell him it was my first time even hitting a golf ball with a real golf club. Sad. Apparently when you pull muscles in your back, you just have to suffer for weeks and weeks and hope it goes away. Great.

And that concludes May! Hopefully I will get caught up for June! I mean July! Can't believe summer is halfway over!