Sunday, October 10, 2010

Healthy Eating

So as you know I love to post yummy recipes I come across. I made my sister Lori's Salmon with Mustard Glaze and Pasta Salad a few weeks ago. You can click here to go to the recipe. The recipe was SO good! David and I love salmon but I have never been able to find great recipes online for what to cook with the salmon. We usually just eat it with some garlic and a few random spices and a side of instant mashed potatoes. Nothing that great. My sister posted this recipe and I knew I HAD to try it. Not only was the salmon yummy, but I am pretty sure that was the most vegetables I have ever cooked/eaten in my entire life - and they actually tasted really good! I highly recommend this for a yummy, healthy dinner. Below is my pic of the salmon before we put it in the oven. There are no pictures of the dish after we cooked it - we literally devoured the whole thing in about 5 minutes!


Nana and Papa said...

Looks like we will have to try it as well. How do you buy your salmon?

Nancy said...

yummmm. i think i know my birthday dinner request....