Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Getting Old

So I must be getting old or something. I am having major issues. First, I go potty ALL the time. The second I am done drinking a glass of water I have to run to the bathroom. And then at least 2 more times after that! I thought those bladder control commercials showed old people! Let's just say it is a HUGE annoyance - the bathroom at work is all the way out of the office suite and in the main hall of the building.

Second, I had my first migraine ever today. I never knew what people were talking about when they said they got migraines. I always thought - what's the big deal? It's just a bad headache, right? So wrong. Worst. Headache. Ever. I woke up this morning with a pounding headache. Sometimes that happens because my neck is tight or I slept funny. So I laid on the couch for half an hour hoping it would go away before work. No such luck, so I got up anyway to get ready. As I was putting my makeup on, my entire left arm went numb. I couldn't even hold my mascara in my hand. Next thing I know, my eyesight is blurry. I call David on the phone to freak out - I had no idea what was going on!! I had a really hard time talking to him and forming the words. With David on the phone, I went to the computer to google my symptoms. I could hardly read the screen - it was the weirdest thing ever. David finally told me to look up the symptoms of a migraine. I did, and I fit every single one. I went back to bed for about three hours after taking several Tylenol Extra Strength. The pounding stopped if I laid perfectly still. Every time I rolled over, my head started pounding again.

Needless to say, it was the most horrible experience ever! Although two of my coworkers were in the area and brought me a coke to help with the headache. So nice of them! And then David came home and took care of me. :) Here's to hoping for a MUCH better tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Oh! I'm so sorry you got a migraine! I would never wish them on ANYONE! Luckily, I haven't gotten one in a while (fingers crossed!) Hope you're doing better! : )

Kate Nash said...

I'm starting to feel old too! I feel like if I miss a few hours of sleep my body freaks out and immediately becomes sick. What happened to eating crap, staying up til 4 in the morning and feeling fine haha? We are aging.

THE ORMES said...

I'm sorry. I've never had a migraine but Tom gets them enough for the both of us and they are awful!!!

As for the potty thing, is that still happening? If that keeps up, you might wanna get it checked to make sure there isn't something abnormal. If it is perfectly normal ... good luck when you're prego and have a baby sitting on top of it!!

Rasmussen Family said...

I've had the worst migraines while nursing Eliza...they are affectionately called hormone headaches because they come without warning and don't go away with sleep, food, or medicine. Just like hormones:) oh, and they really are caused by hormones how cruel is that?

Natalie said...

I stand by my story...I think you're prego

Angela said...

One thing that helps my migraines is having my shoulder and neck rubbed. Scott's gotten pretty good at it since I get about 1 bad headache/migraine a month. I'd be willing to share some pointers with David.

And, like Rachel said, I'd get the bladder problem checked out.

I hope you get to feeling better!

mlauricella said...

I get the same symptoms just before a migraine, vision blurry and color off, numbness in wherever. Take migraine medicine. Its out there... better than tylenol for sure.

Nana and Papa said...

Now you know why I started Diet Coke and Tylenol or Ibuprofen. The caffiene in the coke helps. Must be a Johnson gene.

So sorry.

Julie said...

pregnant much?

Sorry about your migraine! Hope it doesn't come back!