Monday, April 18, 2011

Update on Issues

I thought I should give a quick update on all my doctor visits as of lately. After my migraine two Wednesdays ago, a still had a slight headache and blurry eyes on Thursday and a bit on Friday. I decided to stop in and see an instacare doctor that Friday. He seemed very concerned that I got the migraines so suddenly and had never had them before. Then he got even more worried when I told him about my other issue. He said that if I got another bad migraine, that I should call my regular doctor and should probably get an MRI to make sure I didn't have a tumor or anything on my pituitary gland.

That Saturday night, I got another bad migraine. I was trying to plan my Sunday School lesson and could not even read the manual. David had to read it out loud to me. It was very frustrating. Monday morning I decided I should call my regular doctor. They scheduled me for an appointment immediately the next morning. I went in to her on Tuesday and told her everything. She decided that I should have my blood taken again and that I should get an MRI. The hospital in American Fork called me and scheduled me for my MRI that Thursday.

I was a bit nervous because online it said that sometimes they have to inject you with this contrast stuff. I HATE shots. Luckily, half way through the MRI, the technician said my scans were coming in clear enough that I would not have to have the injection. Yay! What a relief! The MRI wasn't bad. It was kind of like lying in a tanning bed, except it made lots of loud bangs and clanks and weird sounds. I had to lie in there for about 35 minutes while they took different scans.

On Friday morning my doctor called and said the scans from the MRI came out perfectly. Not a single thing wrong. I was happy and frustrated. I mean that is always great news to hear that your brain is in perfect condition, but I wish they could figure out what is wrong with me! The doctor gave me some prescription strength migraine medicine and told me I should still see a urologist.

Hopefully this can all get figured out at some point. And sorry to disappoint you all, but I am not pregnant. I have had two blood tests in the last two weeks, actually took 2 pregnant tests to double check, and you can't get an MRI if you are pregnant so that is definitely not the diagnosis for my problems. Life would be much simpler if that were the answer. My next doctor visit isn't for another week and a half so until then....


Anonymous said...

You should see a neurologist. I saw one for years, and he had me taking Relpax whenever I got a migraine. It worked! Over the last year or so, I weaned myself off the Replax to Excedrin Migraine to Advil. And my migraines have pretty much gone away! I'm sure that's all it is. And of course I don't mean to make it seem less than it is! THEY'RE AWFUL! But it's always good to rule everything else out first : ) Love yoU! I hope you're able to conquer them soon!

THE ORMES said...

I'm sorry you didn't get any answers. It would bug me (as I'm sure it's bugging you). Hopefully, this next doctor will be able to figure things out. We'll keep you in our prayers!

Nancy said...

So happy your brain is perfect but UGH about having to play the wait and see to figure out what the issue is. Hang in there. We're sending you good thoughts!!!

Loriann said...

Glad your MRI results went well. I started getting migraines my junior year in college- just randomly two to three times a year. They are absolutely unbearable, but I found that as long as I take 2 Excedrin Migraines the SECOND my vision starts to blur, they don't get to the point of misery and I can still function. I seriously carry Excedrin with me at all times because if I don't take them the second my vision begins to blur, it'll be too late. Just a suggestion that hopefully will work for you....