Saturday, December 19, 2009
What is my Problem???
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Look What You Did...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Big Move
Friday, November 13, 2009
More Random Thoughts
Monday, November 9, 2009
Random Tidbits

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Plastic Blinds Are Not Okay

Fall Makes Me Happy
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I Don't Feel Like 23...
Monday, September 21, 2009
And the winner is...
FINALLY a new camera

Sunday, September 20, 2009
It's a New Car!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
College Graduates...Almost!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Day at Lagoon
We started out the trip by riding a very small ride with David's three cousins. Then we rode a few other rides and finally stopped to watch people riding the SkyCoaster. For those who don't know what that is here is a picture of one below:

To ride the SkyCoaster, two to three people put on these funny suits. Then you both get hooked in from your back and hoisted into the sky so that you are on your stomach. You start below that big arch and are pulled up diagonally to the top of the tall, straight tower. Once you are at the top - which is over 100 feet high - one person has to pull a cord to release you. After a 65 foot free fall, the cords catch and you fly back and forth through the air like a superman flying in the air. Just watching people do this made my stomach turn. Well, Chuck asked if David, Daniel, Heather and I wanted to do it and of course David immediately said yes. Well I had already decided that I was going to be brave that day so I said yes, too. Here is a picture of what you look like as you are being hoisted up to the top.

Chuck and his son Christian went on the SkyCoaster first. Let me remind you that Christian is 8 years old! That boy has guts! He didn't even freak out before or anything. Since the SkyCoaster has two towers, you can do two groups at once. So Daniel and Heather were on one side and David and I on the other. This was the scariest, most amazing, most thrilling thing I have ever done in my life. While David and I were getting hooked up, I started to get really scared. I mean really scared. They starting pulling us to the top and I had to close my eyes so I wouldn't freak out. We just kept going higher and higher and higher. Finally at the top a girl got on the microphone and said, "Ready! Pull your cord!"
David immediately pulled the cord and we dropped toward the earth. We free fell for about 65 feet - in which I screamed the whole time. As you are dropping you mind just goes crazy - you think what on earth am I doing to myself! I am going to smash into the ground! This is the end! And then suddenly the cord catches and you swing across the earth. You can suddenly breath again. You can stop screaming and just enjoy what you just did. It was such a rush! We loved it! David told me he was so proud of me for going on the ride! I'm so proud of me for doing it - I never do things like this!
So there you go, I conquered Lagoon. I later even rode a huge rollercoaster with two upside down flips and everything! Go me! If you ever get a chance to ride a SkyCoaster you should do it. It is amazing! You feel every emotion in a matter of seconds - you go from being absolutely terrifed to feeling like you can do anything in the world. Thank you Chuck and Tiff for such a fun day!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Pioneer Day
After dinner we headed to the game. We just bought general admission tickets, so we sat just behind the outfield on blankets. I actually enjoyed sitting out on blankets better than sitting in seats - probably because I find baseball boring so getting to lay down made it better. The opposing team cancelled the game due to illness so instead the Salt Lake Bees held a homerun derby and then an 18 and under all star game. The home run derby was fun. David brought his glove since we were behind the outfield and attempted to catch a few of the home runs. The winner of the derby was a 16 year old high school student from Las Vegas. He hit so many home runs. He was really good! And only 16! He beat all the Bees players that were in the home run derby! Apparently he is the best hitter in high school in the world right now; rumor has it, the boy hit a 560 foot home run in Florida.
The all star game was pretty lame - no one was really watching. We waited through it though for the best part of the night - Pioneer Day Fireworks! After the all star game, they let everyone go down on the field. We got to lay our blanket out in the outfield and watch the fireworks. It was so cool because we were really close to the fireworks. In fact, we could feel ashes falling on us during the show. The show was really good. I would even say it was the best fireworks show I have ever been to. They had a lot of cool fireworks. It was a lot of fun to get to go out with Courtney and her brothers and Spencer. We had a really good Pioneer Day. It will be sad when one day we don't live in Utah and will have to work through the 24th of July. :( Until then, Happy Pioneer Day!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Manti Miracle Pageant
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Attack of the Birds

On Monday morning, I decided to go for a long power walk down to the SugarHouse Park. It was beautiful and sunny outside. As I was walking through the park, I passed a tree with two birds in it. Suddenly, the birds started diving at me. One dove about a foot in front of me and the other started diving at my back. I am positive that if I had not started running, the one behind me would have ran into my back. Not to mention, they were scary black birds like the ones above. For the rest of my "walk" I was terrified that any of the other birds I saw were going to attack me, too. I guess I can now add "birds" to the very long list of animals that scare me. On a happier note, I walked 4 miles that morning. Go me!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Word to the Wise
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
David's Third Birthday Celebration...
David's Birthday Celebration Continued...
David's 25th Birthday Weekend
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Life Update
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I'm Done.
Monday, April 20, 2009
This is for David
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Graduation Decisions
So I spoke to my college advisement counselor and had her push back my official graduation to August. I will still be walking in April I just won't be getting my diploma until August. Then came the decision of what to take. I decided on:

1. Food Preparation in the Home - watch out family. I will become the best cook of us all.

2. Social Dance - David felt the need to inform me that in this class it is "not an easy A, Karin". They do actually grade you on your dancing. Thank you David. And for that comment I am making him come to class and be my dancing partner. (seeing as he has taken this class like 4 times or something) And yes, I will be the Julianne Hough of BYU's beginning social dance class.

3. Jogging - This will really help keep me motivated for that half marathon in August. (Sadly David and I have not run in like two weeks because it has been SNOWING! Yes, it is April. Yes, it is freezing outside.)
I am excited for my classes. I have not taken a "fun" class in the past two years - unless you count the fact that I am a big fat nerd and loved both business law and accounting 440.
I can't believe that by August David and I will both be graduated and moving and starting real jobs!! Wish us luck!